- Political & Economic History of Great Britain from the Civil War to the Twentieth Century
- Kings and Queens of England from 1485 to the Present
- British Prime Ministers, 1760-1901
- The British Empire (homepage)
- The Bullion Committee
- Improvements in the Anglican Clergy since the Restoration
- The South Sea Bubble
The Revolution of 1640, and Restoration of 1660, and the Glorious Revolution of 1688
- James I (rules 1603-1625)
- Charles I (rules 1625-1642; executed 1649)
- Oliver Cromwell (rules 1642-60) and the Interregnum
- Oliver Cromwell
- Thomas Carlyle on Cromwell
- Cromwell and Napoleon as Military Leaders and Heads of Government
- The political Economy of the English Revolution of 1640
- The Interregnum (1640-1660)
- Cromwell’s New Model Army
- The Reformation, Cromwell, the Commonwealth, and Readmission of the Jews
- The Restoration (1660) and the Accession of Charles II (rules 1660-1685)
- The Restoration (brief Introduction)
- Charles II and Clarendon
- Macaulay on the Character of Charles II
- James II (rules 1685-1688)
- The Glorious Revolution (1688)
- The Glorious Revolution (brief Introduction)
- Macaulay Explains the Glorious Revolution of 1688
- The 1689 Bill of Rights
- Jacobites
- Britain and Ireland, 1789-1801
Social, Economic, and Technological History

- “Vicious Theory and Vicious Practice”: Seventeenth-Century Anti-Catholicism
- London since the Seventeenth Century
- The Rise of the Coffeehouse
- Changes in the Landed Classes since the Restoration
- The Dreadful Condition of Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-Century Roads and Highways
- Taxation and National Revenue
- Improvements in Agriculture since the Restoration
Military History
- The New Model Army
- The State of Britain’s Army during the Reign of Charles II
- The Terrible Condition of Britain’s Navy in the Late Seventeenth Century
- Britain’s Artillery at the end of the Seventeenth Century
- The War of the Spanish Succession or Marlborough's Wars (1702-13)
Riots and Civil Disorders before the Accession of Victoria
- The Gordon Riots, June 1780
- Riots, Disaffection, and Repression, 1811-19
- The Luddites, 1811-16
- Riots in Sheffield, 1812
- The Spa Fields Riots, 2 December 1816
- The March of the Blanketeers, March 1817
- The Pentrich Rising (the Derbyshire Insurrection), 9 June 1817
- The Peterloo Massacre, 16 August 1819
- Contemporary Accounts of the Peterloo Massacre
- The Six Acts, 1819
- The Cato Street Conspiracy, 23 February 1820
Last modified 25 November 2020