list of Chalmers’ publications with Chalmers and Collins follows a lengthy Appendix to Speech delivered on the 24th of May before the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland (Glasgow: Chalmers and Collins, 1822). It contains the following fourteen items, along with the price: Sermons preached in the Tron Church , 2nd ed., 10s. 6d.; The Application of Christianity to the Commercial and Ordinary Affairs of Life, 4th ed., 8s.; A Series of Discourses on the Christian Revelation viewed in connection with the Modern Astronomy, 10th ed., 8s.; The Evidence and Authority of the Christian Revelation, 6th ed., 8s.; The Importance of Civil Government in Society and the Duty of Christians in regard to it, 3rd ed., 1s. 6d.; Considerations on the System of Parochial Schools in Scotland and on the Advantages of Establishing them in Large Towns, 1s.; The Doctrine of Christian Charity Applied to the Case of Religious Differences, 2s. 6d.; Thoughts on Universal Peace, 3rd ed. (originally published by Smith in 1816), 1s. 6d.; The Utility of Missions ascertained by Experience , 3rd ed. 1s. 6d.; Sermon on the Death of Princess Charlotte , 3rd ed., 1s. 6d.; A Sermon preached before the Society for the Relief of the destitute Sick, 2nd ed., 1s. 6d.; An Address to the Inhabitants of the Parish of Kilmany, 4th ed., 1s. 6d.; The Influence of Bible Societies on the Temporal Necessities of the Poor, 4th ed. 1s. 6d.; Substance of a Speech delivered at the General Assembly in 1809, 32nd ed. 1s. 6d.
Last modified 27 September 2018