strong>Note: The following list includes only those contributors before 2001, after which they are credited on the monthly “What's New” page. Postgraduate students from the following countries have made contributions to the Victorian Web: Bulgaria, Canada, England, Italy, and the United States. If you you know of anyone whose name has been omitted, or if you have something you would like to see appear in the Victorian Web, please contact george at; replace "at" by "@."

  1. Skylar H. Burris, University of Virginia, BA '97; University of Texas at Brownsville, MA
  2. Rodney Canete, Brown University, MA candidate,
  3. Karen Devlin, MA candidate, University of Hull
  4. Paul Flynn, PhD candidate, Brown University
  5. Matthew Mulligan Goldstein, University of Texas
  6. Diane Greco, M. A., (now PhD), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  7. Terry Reece Hackford, M. A., Brown University
  8. Cynthia E Huggins, Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro
  9. Jane Rogers, MA candidate University of Huddersfield (UK)
  10. Amanda Lahikainen, PhD candidate, Brown University
  11. Andrew Mangravite, Drexel University
  12. Elizabeth Nelson, PhD candidate, Brown University
  13. Sarah Petrides, American Civilization, Brown University
  14. Jon Segal, American Civilization, Brown University
  15. Asako "Sox" Serizawa, Brown University
  16. Alyson J. Shaw, Northeastern University
  17. Lauren Smith MA '05, Brown University
  18. Mary Schwingen, Brown University, MAT '95
  19. Hannah Sikorski, PhD candidate, Brown University
  20. Anna Enrichetta Soccio, Doctoral Candidate, Department of English Literature and Studies, University of Pescara (Italy)
  21. Jennifer Kingma Wall, MA Candidate, Rutgers University
  22. Carrie Watterson, Doctoral Candidate, Brown University

Other Contributors

Last modified 14 May 2006