Dr. Andrzej Diniejko (b. 1947) is a Senior Lecturer in English Literature and Culture at Warsaw University. He studied at the Department of English Studies, Warsaw University, and in 1970 he obtained his MA degree under the supervision of Professor Daniel Gerould. He has worked as a teacher and teacher trainer in Kielce and Warsaw, and he is one of 40 "founding fathers" of Teacher Training Colleges, which were established in Poland in 1990 to train foreign language teachers in primary and secondary education. He has been very involved in the improvement of methods of teaching the English language and culture in Polish schools and teacher training colleges. He serves as a Polish Ministry of Education English language textbook expert. In 1997, he gained his PhD from Warsaw University for a dissertation supervised by Professor Andrzej Weselinski: "Freedom and Determinism. Existential Perspective in the Fiction of Thomas Hardy, D. H. Lawrence and John Fowles."

Diniejko is the author of The Condition of England Debate in English Fiction (2008), Existential and Social Perspectives in Thomas Hardy's Novels (2006), and three textbooks: Introduction to the Study of Literature in English (2004), The English-Speaking Countries: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1999), and An Introduction to the United States of America (2005). More recently, he published the first biography in Polish of Disraeli (title in English: Between Literature and Politics: Benjamin Disraeli and His Times, University of Warsaw publishers, 2019). He has also published articles on Thomas Hardy, D. H. Lawrence, John Fowles, and Englishness. He has translated into English many scholarly articles, some poetry and a few books, the most important being The Historical Development of Chemical Concepts by Roman Mierzecki (published by Kluwer). His research areas include Victorian literature and culture, relations between literature and society, literary and cultural theory. In 2023 he completed a new biography of Lord Byron in Polish (the last one was published some 60 years ago). Entitled Byron i jego czasy (Byron and His Times), it is available in an online version here, where it can be read as a flipbook.
Dr Diniejko has been on short research visits to the USA and England. He is a member of The Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE). His avocations focus primarily on his hybrid Polish-Lithuanian-Belarussian-Hungarian-French genealogy and long meditative walks.
Last modified 7 May 2021