Mark Bernstein, our editor for Web Technology and Design, is Chief Scientist at Eastgate Systems, which since 1982 has fostered hypertext writing tools like Storyspace and Tinderbox and has published original hypertext fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, including many of the central works of what Robert Coover called the golden age of hypertext fiction.
He has been program chair of the ACM Conference on Hypertext (twice), of WikiSym, and of the ACM Web Science Conference and served on the program committees many times. His research publications focus on the intersection of computer science and critical theory, and his many important articles include “Patterns in Hypertext,” “Can We Talk about Spatial hypertext,” and “Card Shark and Thepsis: Exotic Tools for Hypertext Narrative.” He edited Reading Hypertext with Diane Greco Josefowicz, our Science and Technology Editor. He is also the author of The Tinderbox Way and is currently completing a book on the craft of hypertext narrative.
A graduate of Swarthmore College, he received his doctorate from Harvard University in 1983.
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Last modified 14 November 2015