Colin Price was formerly a professor of environmental and forestry economics, and is now a free-lance academic. Among his many publications, his published books are Landscape Economics (1978; revised, expanded and updated 2nd edition in 2017, paperback edition 2018); The Theory and Application of Forest Economics (1989); and Time, Discounting and Value (1993). He has contributed, and continues to contribute, papers and book chapters on a wide range of topics, e.g. on forestry and climate change, valuation of urban trees, and "Changing Economies, Changing Politics: a United Kingdom Perspective" in the forthcoming "Routledge Handbook of Cultural Landscapes". As well as natural resource economics, his interests include writing and presenting poetry, walking long-distance footpaths, and photography.

In particular, Colin has assembled voluminous categorised and annotated photographic records of all the cathedrals of Britain, as well as all the bridges of the River Thames, and the bridges of Wales's coastline, in negotiable slide form.
Last modified 4 March 2016