Dr Helen Wilson retired from academia to pursue her interests in local history, architecture and churches. She drew on her research skills to develop her main project of the last decade, studying the life and work of the Pinwill sisters, ecclesiastical woodcarvers. Helen has produced an extensive catalogue of Pinwill carvings from the 200+ churches across Devon and Cornwall and beyond, available to view on her website. She sits on the Executive Committee of the Devonshire Association and acts as Chair of their Buildings Section.
Helen's book, From "Lady Woodcarvers" to Professionals: The Remarkable Pinwill Sisters, is due out in January 2021, and represents the culmination of ten years of research. The foreword is by Peter Beacham, co-author of Buildings of England: Cornwall (2014). Details will be announced on Helen's website: please click here to be redirected to it. On the website you will also find a gallery of Pinwill woodcarvings and more information on the pivotal Edmund H. Sedding.
Last modified 29 December 2020