Sir Joseph Noel Paton, 1821 - 1901. Artist (in his studio). John Ballantyne (1815-1897). 186786.30 x 111.70 cm; Framed: 132.10 x 106.70 x 10.20 cm Collection: National Galleries Scotland. Accession no. PG 1453, purchased 1944. Reproduced here under the terms of the Creative Commons CC by NC licence. [Click on the images to enlarge them.]

Closer views of (left) the easel and (right) the artist.
Due tribute is paid here to Paton's history and religious paintings, with collections assembled in the studio for possible uses as props in both areas of interest. Paton's collection of armour, for example, is well known: it is now in the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh. But the painting on the easel seems to be a fairy painting of that very year, The Fairy Raid: Carrying Off a Changeling, Midsummer Eve (1867), which also has some antiquarian features, including a knight in armour in the foreground, at the far right, and (easier to spot) some standing stones casting shadows in the background, towards the left. — Jacqueline Banerjee
Links to related material
"John Phillip. Artist (in his studio)." National Galleries Scotland. Web. 1 August 2022.
Created 1 August 2022