Florence Nightingale Receiving the Wounded at Scutari — 1856 — The Mission of Mercy by Jerry Barrett, 1824-1906. Oil on canvas, 23 1/2 x 35 inches.
"A finished oil study and several pencil studies for this painting are in the National Portrait Gallery, London. The following figures have been identified: Sir William Linton, 1801-1880 (to the left of the archway); Sir Henry Knight Storks, 1811-1874 (to his right); Florence Nightingale, 1820-1910 (to the left of the window); Alexis Benoit Soyer, 1809-1858 (in white to her left)" (Spring '84).
Related material about Florence Nightingale
- Crimean War Memorial, Pall Mall, London
- Florence Nightingale (1820-1910)
Spring '84. Exhibition catalogue. London: Fine Art Society, 1984. No. 3.
The Fine Art Society, London, has most generously given its permission to use information, images, and text from its catalogues in the Victorian Web. This generosity has led to the creation of hundreds and hundreds of the site's most valuable documents on painting, drawing, sculpture, furniture, textiles, ceramics, glass, metalwork, and the people who created them. The copyright on text and images from their catalogues remains, of course, with the Fine Art Society. [GPL]
Last modified 3 March 2020