West window, Chapel of Harris-Manchester College, Oxford. Designed by Edward Burne-Jones, executed by Morris & Co. he large panels from left to right are an angel, Truth, Liberty, Religion, and another angel. The scenes below depict the Angels telling the Sheperds of Jesus birth, the Nativity, Jesus in Joseph's carpenter shop, Jesus blessing the children, and Mary Magdalen washing Jesus' feet. Smaller angels playing musical instruments are in the top of the window. Click on images to enlarge them.

An Angel to the Left of Truth, Liberty, & Religion.

Left to right: (1) Angels telling the Shepherds of Jesus birth, (2) the Nativity, and (3) Jesus and Joseph working in Joseph's carpenter shop.

Details and Related Comparative Material
- Mary [?] Surrounded by Infants in Heaven
- William Holman Hunt’s The Triumph of the Innocents
- William Holman Hunt’s The Shadow of Death
- William Gale’s Nazareth
- Morris & Co. (homepage)
Image correction and formatting by George P. Landow
Created 6 August 2020