The Fairy-Feller's Master-Stroke
Richard Dadd (1819-87)
Oil on canvas
21.25 X 15.5 inches
Tate Britain
Commentary by Jacqueline Banerjee
This small oil-painting was the first of Dadd's canvases to become widely known (Allderidge). It captures a single tense moment amongst the "little folk" on the forest floor. With his back to us in the foreground, down amongst the thin spiked grass, pebbles, daisies, hazelnuts, prickly plane-tree fruits and so on, the Fairy Feller or woodcutter has raised his axe to split an upright nut, apparently to serve as Queen Mab's new chariot (see Lambourne 202, and Romeo and Juliet, I, 3, l. 68) [Continued below] .