Biographical Materials
My friend Augustus Egg, R.A., who lived in a charming house in Queen's Road, Bayswater, was not only well known as an excellent artist, but also as being the Amphitrion whose hospitality was famous, and whose dnners were stil more famous by reason of the guests who were wont to surround his table. Where is the hungry man who could not have been enchanted to meet Dickens and Leech, Mark Lemon and John Forster (Dickens's biographer), Hawkins, Q.C. (now the judge), Landseer, Mulready, Webster, and other vartists less famous? — Frith, The Life and Work of John Leech, II, 98
Biographical and Introductory Material
- Chronology
- W. Holman Hunt’s "Notes on the Life of August L. Egg."
- Egg's home in Kensington, in the Campden Hill artists' colony
- Egg's portrait by John Phillip (as shown above rignt)
- Paintings
- Drawings (no material thus far)
Theme and Technique
- Creating a Narrative without a Long Text: Egg and the Expansion of a Brief Quotation
- The Pre-Raphaelite Women destroyed by Love in all its Forms and Fates
- Narrative Painting? Egg's Triptych And The Art of Persuasion
- Augustus Leopold Egg as Moralizing Pre-Raphaelite
- Stopped in Motion: The Individual in Egg's Travelling Companions
- Augustus Leopold Egg's Past and Present (III): A Moment of Conversion
- Augustus Leopold Egg's The Life and Death of Buckingham
Frith, William Powell, R. A.. The Life and Work of John Leech. 2 vols. London: Richard Bentley, 1891.
Hunt, William Holman. "Notes on the Life of August L. Egg." The Reader. 1 (1863): 462, 486-67, 557-58; 2 (1863): 42-43, 91, 516-17; 3 (1864): 56-57. The essay appeared anonymously, but Hunt discusses writing it with William Bell Scott, one of whose letters he included in the text.
Last modified 16 April 2022