
- Biographical Introduction
- Introduction
- “Curious crotchets:” Ford Madox Brown's disappointments and character
- Brown's Early Christian school not Pre-Raphaelitism
- Hunt on Brown's earlier work
- Ford Madox Brown becomes a Pre-Raphaelite convert
- "Ford Madox Brown: Drawing History"
- Hunt on Brown's mistreatment by the art establishment and his final years
- Ford Madox Brown's praise for Hunt and Millais
The Diary of Ford Madox Brown. Ed. Virginia Surtees. New Haven: Yale UP, 1981.
Ford Madox Brown. Exhibition Catalogue. Ed. Mary Bennett. Liverpool: Walker Art Gallery, 1964. [The catalogue for first of Mary Bennett's pioneering exhibitions that did much to re-awaken late twentieth-century interest in the Pre-Raphaelites and their circle.]
Hueffer, Ford M. Ford Madox Brown: A Record of his Life and Work. London: Longmans Green & Co, 1896.
Nahum, Peter, and Sally Burgess. Pre-Raphaelite-Symbolist-Visionary. London: Peter Nahum at Leicester Galleries.
Treuherz, Julian, with contributions by Kenneth Bendiner and Angela Thirlwell. Ford Madox Brown: Pre-Raphaelite Pioneer. London: Philip Wilson, 2011 [Review: "Challenging Genius" by Jacqueline Banerjee.]
Last modified 8 September 2023