WE are sorry to notice the death on Friday week last, at the age of sixty-two, of Mr. John Fulleylove, the well-known painter. He began his career as an architect, and did a large amount of pictures with architectural details, which have had great success both in exhibitions and in books. He travelled widely, and his work includes pictures of Paris, Florence, Rome, and Athens. — "Fine Art Gossip," 678.

The Pool of Hezekiah — Morning Light.
Biographical Material
Edinburgh painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. Described by Rosaline Masson. London: Charles Black, 1907. Hathitrust Digital Archive version of a copy in the University of California Library. Web. 10 October 2018.
"Fine-Art Gossip." The Athenaeum No. 4205 ( 30 May 1908). Internet Archive. Web. 6 April 2024.
The Holy Land painted by John Fulleylove, R.I. Described by John Kelman, MA. London: Adam and Charles Black, 1902. Internet Archive version of a copy in the Princeton Theologial Seminary Library. Web. 6 April 2024.
"Mr Fulleylove's Drawings." The Studio. Vol. 7 (1896) Internet Archive. Web. 7 April 2024.
Last modified 6 April 2024