Although Goodall's paintings of the countryside of Brittany, Normandy, Ireland and Wales, were very successful, it is as an Orientalist painter that he is best known. He first went to Egypt in 1858, accompanied by Carl Haag armed with letters of introduction from David Roberts. He stayed until the summer of 1859. although he says in his autobiography (1902) that "my sole object in paying my first visit to Egypt was to paint Scriptural subjects," the resulting 130 oil studies were of contemporary life in the town and countryside. He exhibited fifty of these at the RA in 1869. He returned to Egypt in 1870, when he pitched camp for many months amongst the pastoral Bedouins on the border of the desert near Sakkara. Goodall participated in exhibitions at the RA, the NWCS, the BI and at the Paris Universal Expositions of 1867 and 1878. The Fine Art Society presented fifty-four paintings of Egypt and Life in the Valley of the Nile in April 1894. [Eastern Encounters, p. 44]

Eastern Encounters: Orientalist Painters of the Nineteenth Century. London: The Fine Art Society, 1978.
The Fine Art Society Story. Part I. London: The Fine Art Society, 2001.
Goodall, Frederick. The Reminiscences of Frederick Goodall. London: 1902.
The Orientalists: Delacroix to Matisse. European Painters in North Africa and the Middle East. London: The Royal Academy, 1984.
Slarke, N. C. Frederick Goodall, RA. Oundle: 1981.
Last modified 6 January 2005