The Highland Pastures, by Peter Graham, R.A., R.S.A. (1838–1921). 1897. Oil on canvas. H 108.2 x W 184 cm. Collection: Leicester Arts and Museums Services, New Walk Museum & Art Gallery. Accession number: L.F1.1897.0.0. Acquisition method: purchased from Arthur Tooth & Sons Ltd, 1897. Image kindly released by the gallery under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike) licence. [Click on the image to enlarge it.]
Another of Graham's paintings featuring Highland cattle, this time in close-up Pre-Raphaelite detail, reminding us that he spent many hours studying them closely, whether on a Scottish hillside or in the grounds of his Buckinghamshire home (see "Scottish Landscape," 499). It is interesting that The Building News and Engineering Journal of 1885 commented appreciatively on a painting of the same title by Graham. Their reviewer described the work, seemingly an earlier version of this one, as being "a fine study of a Highland moor and cattle," with "an atmosphere full of freshness" (730). — Jacqueline Banerjee.
The Building News and Engineering Journal, Volume 47. Google Books. Web. 18 March 2019.
"Scottish Landscape." The Review of Reviews, Volume 20 (1899): 499 [a very limited view is available in Google Books].
Created 16 March 2019