Mr. Hunter is the leading exemplar of that true 'Impressionism' which has run to seed in so many quarters: breadth, subtlety in dash and vigour, brilliant truthfulness with great freedom of handling, characterise the work of this artist, one of the most eminent landscape painters living. — "Scottish Art and Artists" (1885), p. 225
He was at his best perhaps in pictures in which some incident of fisher-life or sea-faring was associated with the pathetic sentiment of sunset or dusky after-glow, and his most characteristic pieces are low in tone and somewhat sad in feeling. — J.L. Caw (1912), p. 329
Biographical Material
- "Colin Hunter, A.R.A. (1841-1904): A Brief Biography," by J. L. Caw (1912)
- Melbury Road, Leighton House, and the Holland Park Artists' Houses

Armstrong, Walter. Scottish Painters: A Critical Study. London: Seeley & Co., 1888. Google Books. Free Ebook.
Caw, J. L. "HUNTER, COLIN." Dictionary of National Biography. Second Supplement. Vol. II. Faed-Muybridge. Ed. Sidney Lee. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1912. 328-29. Web. 28 October 2022.
Dakers, Caroline. The Holland Park Circle, Artists and Victorian Society. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999.
"Scottish Art and Artists.” The Scottish Review 5 (1885): 205-226. Hathi Trust Digital Library, from a copy in the University of California Library. Web. 28 October 2022.
Created 28 October 2022