Battle of Ferozshah (2nd day); 22nd December 1845 by Henry Martens, artist (died 1860). John Harris the younger, engraver (1791-1873). Rudolph Ackermann II, publisher (died 1868). 1849. Engraving, 69.2 x 90.5 cm. Third in collection of nine colored engravings by Harris, after Martens; British infantry advancing toward right through remnants of Indian artillery defenses, burning tent encampment in background. The Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library. [Click on image to enlarge it.]
Text under engraving
The English Troops resuming the attack on the Seik [i.e. Sikh] Entrenched Camp,. On the morning of the 22nd Dec. after the Bivouac of the 21st, Night having interrupted the Eventful Struggle___. H.M. 9th 29th 31st 80th Hon Comp 1st Eur.n Regt and other Corps are Charging in Line, and pursuing the routed Enemy through their burning Camp __ Capturing near 80 pieces of Cannon — To Major [. . .] Sir Harry Smith, Bart G.C.B. &c &c who Commanded the 1st Division of the Army of the Sutleje [one of the 5 rivers of the Punjab]. This Plate is most respectfully Inscribed by his very obliged & obedient Servant — Rudolph Ackermann 191 Regent Street.

Last modified 3 December 2014