Charge of H.M. 14th Light Dragoons at the Battle of Ramnuggur, Novr. 22nd 1848 by Henry Martens, artist (died 1860). John Harris the younger, engraver (1791-1873). Rudolph Ackermann II, publisher (died 1868). 1851. Engraving, 65.3 x 86.8 cm.. Sixth in collection of nine colored engravings by Harris, after Martens. mounted British dragoons in blue uniforms charging toward left against Indian infantry.. The Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library. [Click on image to enlarge it.]
Text under engraving
To the Officers of the Regiment and their brave Companions in Arms — This Print is most respectfully dedicated by their very obliged & obedient Servant — Rudolph Ackermann 191 Regent Street.
Colonel Havelock, cheering, led the 1st and 2nd Squadrons of the 14th down to the bank, then into the Nullah, crossed it a gallop, and Sabred hundreds of the Enemy under the most frightful shower of missiles from their Cannon and Matchlocks, they then retired a short distance, formed up, were joined by the other Squadrons and 5th Cavalry. In this second charge Colonel Havelock met his death. Many had fallen by this time and were falling, when they again retired, formed up, and Charged under Colonel King. It was in the third charge that the brave General Cureton met his death in riding up with orders for the 14th to retire, when he was shot in the throat and breast by a Matchlock ball.

Last modified 3 December 2014