The Death of Lucretia — Engraved reproduction of a work by the fourteen-century artist Andrea di Cione di Arcangelo, known as Orcagna, from Alexis-François Artaud de Montor, Peintres primitifs; collection de tableaux rapportée d’Italie et reproduite par nos premiers artistes, sous la direction de M. Challamel (Paris: Challamel, 1843), plate 39. This engraving is Figure 48 in in Lionel Gossman’s Unwilling Moderns: The Nazarene Painters of the Nineteenth Century [see below]. Click on image to enlarge it.
Other work from de Montor’s Peintres primitifs
Gossman, Lionel. Unwilling Moderns: The Nazarene Painters of the Nineteenth Century. Victorian Web [Complete text in the Victorian Web].
Last modified 28 January 2005