Bedlam Furnace, Coalbrookdale. Edward Dayes (1763–1804). Gouache, graphite and watercolour on paper. 316 × 440 mm. Collection: Guildhall Art Gallery (no. 1734). Reproduced courtesy of Tate Britain D36352 (Turner Bequest CCCLXXI J). Image released under Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-ND (3.0 Unported). Click on image to enlarge it.
This work, which appeared in the 2020 Tate exhibition, Turner’s Modern World, was accompanied by the comment that “modern historians have emphasised the dramatic changes caused by the so-called Industrial Revolution, but this drawing suggests that the industrial landscape could be appreciated for its tranquil, even charming qualities.” — George P. Landow
Coalbrookdale in other works of art and contemporary photographs
Created 26 October 2020