A Lass that Loves a Sailor, by Walter Langley (1852-1922). 1893. Watercolour on paper. H 23 x W 31 cm. Penlee House Gallery & Museum (on loan from a private collection); accession no. PEZPH : 2001.L9. Kindly made available via Art UK on the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivatives licence (CC BY-ND). This is thought by the Penlee House Gallery to have been painted in Walberswick or Southwold, but the scene of a young woman waiting for her sweetheart to return from the sea has universal resonance. The title comes from the refrain of a sea shanty by Charles Dibdin (1740-1814), in which the sailors at sea toast Queen, country and so on, "But the standing toast that pleased the most/Was "The wind that blows,/ The Ship that goes,/And the lass that loves a sailor!" — Jacqueline Banerjee

A Lass that Loved a Sailor. Penlee House Gallery & Museum. Web. 12 March 2021.
Created 12 March 2021