awson rose to fame as a poetic landscape painter in the five years before his tragically early death at the age of thirty one. His main sources of inspiration were the Thames around Chelsea (he painted some twelve pictures of scenes in Cheyne Walk) and the richness of the English countryside.... [He] exhibited regularly at the Grosvenor Gallery from its second exhibition in 1878, creating a sensation in that year with the Minister's Garden (Manchester City Art Gallery), a homage to Goldsmith.... [I]n Haslemere, Surrey, ...Lawson painted the August Moon (Tate Gallery), exhibited at the Grosvenor Gallery in 1880 and presented to the nation by the artist's widow. — Hilary Morgan

Biographical Material
Esposito, Donato. Frederick Walker and the Idyllists. London: Lund Humphries, 2017. See Chapter 5, 112-135.
Gosse, Edmund. Cecil Lawson: A Memoir. London: The Fine Art Society, 1883.
Morgan, Hilary, and Peter Nahum. Burne-Jones, the Pre-Raphaelites, and Their Century. London: Peter Nahum, 1989. Catologue number 138.
Owen, Heseltine. "In Memoriam: Cecil Gordon Lawson." Magazine of Art (1894), pp. 1-6, 64-70.
Created 14 May 2018
Last modified 14 June 2023