The Distressed Poet by Henry Stacy Marks, R.W.S., H.R.C.A. (1829-1898). Watercolour on card. 11 7/8 x 6 7/16 inches (30.3 x 16.5 cm). Private collection.
Cowper was a poet that obviously interested Marks. The title of this small watercolour is taken from George Keate's The Distressed Poet: A Serio-Comic Poem, in Three Cantos published in 1797. The term "the distressed poet" was suitable for Cowper who was institutionalized for insanity from 1763-65 at Nathaniel Cotton's asylum at St. Alban's. Cowper was an intensely religious man but after a dream in 1773, during another major period of insanity, he became convinced God had forsaken him. He ceased to attend church believing he was doomed to eternal damnation. Marks's watercolour shows Cowper seated in a chair with his face resting on his right hand and looking very distraught.

Created 24 October 2023