- A Native Bullock-Cart from Bikanir
- Armed Camel Riders from Bikanir
- An Elephant and Retainers from Bikanir
- Bombay Retainers
- A Famous Dancing Horse — Bombay Chiefs’ Camp
- Horseman at the Bombay Camp
- Bombay Chiefs’s Camp
- An Armed Retainer of the Bombay Chiefs
Burma (Myanmar)
- Shan Chief at the Durbar
- The Shan Chiefs’s Retainers at the Native Review
- A Retainer of the Shan Chiefs
- Shan Retainers Carrying a Brass Gong
- Shan chiefs watching the Durbar
- Chiefs of the Shan State
- A Retainer of the Maharaja of Cutch
- A Famous Led Horse in the Retinue of the Rao of Cutch
- A Retainer from Cutch
- Native bards from the Cutch State
- Emblem-Bearers of Cutch
- Spear-Bearers from Cutch
- A Standard-Bearer of Cutch
- A Jaipur Horseman
- A Standard Bearer: This is the State Standard of Jaipour
- Jaipur Elephants
- An Elephant from Jaipur
- A Kashmiri Soldier
- A Soldier of His Highness Dogra Sowar
- Bodyguard of His Highness Dogra Sowar Kashmir
- A Kashmiri Pundat
- A Hindoo Hill Shepherd of Kashmir
- A Retainer fron Rajgarh
- A Rajput of Rajgarh
- A Retainer of Rajgarh (II)
- A Hawksman from Rajgarh
- A Rajput of Rajgarh
- From Rajgarh
The Sikhs
- The Maharaja of Nabha
- A Sikh Spear-Bearer
- A Sikh Warrior
- Akalis Fanatical Devotee
- An Akalis Fanatical Devotee
- An Akalis Fanatical Devotee [on horseback]
- Baroda: The Gold and Silver Cannons of Baroda
- Dhar: A Retainer of Dhar
- Jodpur: A Horse from Jodpur
- Kota: A Camel Rider from Kota
- Mysore: Camels from Mysore
- A Pathan Horseman
- Patiala: His Highness the Maharaja of Patiala
- Rewa: A Formidable Warrior of Rewa
- Sikkim: A Soldier of the Maharaja of Sikkim
Other Subjects

- Street Scenes and People found there
- Half-length portraits of Individuals
- Camels and Camel Riders
- Horses and Horsemen
- Elephants
Menpes, Mortimer. The Durbar. Text by Dorothy Menpes. London: Adam & Charles Black, 1903. Internet Archive version of a copy in the University of California at Los Angeles Library. Web. 27 May 2017.
Last modified 30 May 2017