ver the majority of his drawings there hangs the glamour of a fairytale, and often the figures in his compositions are as confused and unsubstantial as those of a dream. With a spirit full of the most tender, poetic feeling, the light through which he viewed everything was,-
The light that never was on sea or land,
The consecration of a poet's dream; ["Art: The Pinwell Gallery," 275]
Biographical Material

- Watercolours (sitemap)
- Illustrations (sitemap)
- Social Commentaries of the 1860s: From Dickens to the Idyllic School
"Art. The Pinwell Gallery." The Spectator XLIX (26 February 1876): 274-75.
Dalziel, George and Edward Dalziel. The Brothers Dalziel. A Record of Fifty Years' Work in Conjunction with Many of the Most Distinguished Artists of the Period 1840-90, London: Methuen, 1901.
Esposito, Donato. Frederick Walker and the Idyllists. London: Lund Humphries, 2017. 73-75.
Newall, Christopher. A Green and Pleasant Land. Two Centuries of British Landscape Painting. London: Sotheby's (22 May 2014): lot 151.

"Pinwell's Pictures." Judy. XVIII (23 February 1876): 193.
"Society of Painters in Water-Colours." The Art Journal. New Series X (1 January 1871): 25-26.
Stephens, Frederick George: "Society of Painters in Water Colours." The Athenaeum. No. 2249 (3 December 1870): 726-27.
Williamson, George C. George J. Pinwell and His Works. London: George Bell & Sons, 1900: 20, 84 & 153.
Created 14 May 2023