Matthew Ridley Corbet by John McLure Hamilton (1853-1936). 1920. Petroleum oil on canvas. 18 in. x 24 in. (458 mm x 610 mm). Collection: National Portrait Gallery London. NPG 1867. Image download (with thanks), text and formatting by Jacqueline Banerjee.
Hamilton was an painter and illustrator, described in the National Portrait Gallery's extended catalogue entry as "official painter to William Gladstone. Artist or producer of 8 portraits [in the collection]...." Of American descent, he attracted a good deal of attention on both sides of the Pacific.
A guide to the Department of Fine Arts at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition in San Francisco, for instance, drew attention in Room 49 to "John McLure Hamilton's notable portraits of his mother, of Gladstone, and of Joseph Pennell, the etcher, ... on Walls A and C. His large group of pastel drawings, nearly all of them being of the same vivacious girl, occupy Room No. 39, among the other rooms devoted to drawings and prints." The author goes on to explain, "Hamilton is a Philadelphian, born 1853, who has lived in England since 1878. His portraits of distinguished Englishmen, such as Cardinal Manning, Professor Tyndall and Gladstone, hang in the Luxembourg, Paris, the National Gallery, London, and the Pennsylvania Academy, Philadelphia" (38).
"Matthew Ridley Corbet." National Portrait Gallery Web. 28 August 2022.
Williams, Michael. A Brief Guide to the Department of Fine Arts at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, California. Internet Archive. This copy comes from the collections of the University of California. Web. 28 August 2022.
Created 28 August 2022