Effie Ruskin reported to her mother in a letter of 24 February 1850 that "John excites the liveliest astonishment to all and sundry in Venice and I do not think they have made up their minds yet whether he is very mad or very wise. Nothing interrupts him and whether the Square is crowded or empty he is either seen with a black cloth over his head taking Daguerreotypes or climbing about the capitals covered with dust." [quoted Wildman 17]


Newall, Christopher (with contributions by Christopher Baker, Conal Shields, and Ian Jeffrey. John Ruskin Artist and Observer. Ottawa: National Gallery of Canada; London Paul Holberton Publishing, 2014.

Ruskin, John. Works, "The Library Edition." eds. E. T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. 39 vols. London: George Allen, 1903-1912.

Wildman, Stephen. John Ruskin: Photographer & Draughtsman. Compton, Surrey: Watts Gallery, 2014.

Jon Ruskin

Last modified 3 September 2014