Amor, Anne Clark. William Holman Hunt: The True Pre-Rapahaelite. London: Constable, 1989.
Bennett, Mary. William Holman Hunt. Exhibition Catalogue [arranged by Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool]. London, 1969.
Holman-Hunt, Diana. My Grandfather, His Wive's and Loves. New York: Norton, 1969.
A Pre-Raphaelite Friendship: The Correspondence of William Holman Hunt and John Lucas Tupper. Ed. with James H. Coombs, George. P. Landow, Anne Scott, and Arnold Sanders. Ann Arbor, Michigan: UMI Research Press, 1986.
Jacobi, Carol. William Holman Hunt: Painter Painting Paint. Manchester: U of Manchester Press, 2006.
Ladies of Shalott: A Victorian Masterpiece and Its Contexts. Ed. George P. Landow. Providence: Brown University, 1985.
Landow, George P. "'As Unreserved as a Studio Chat': Holman Hunt's Letters to Ernest Chesneau." Huntington Library Quarterly, 38 (1975), 355--69.
Landow, George P. "Christ the Pilot: a Panel from William Holman Hunt's Unfinished Triptych." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies, 1 (1980), 79--91.
Landow, George P. "John Ruskin and Holman Hunt on Going to Nature to See for Oneself," in Studies in Ruskin: Essays in Honor of Van Akin Burd, eds. Robert E. Rhodes and Del Ivan Janik. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1982. 60--84.
Landow, George P. "Reading Pre-Raphaelite Painting." Journal of Pre-Raphaelite and Aesthetic Studies. 1 (Spring 1988), 25-31. [full text]
Landow, George P. "Shadows Cast by The Light of the World: William Holman Hunt's Religious books, 1893--1905," Art Bulletin, 65 (1983), 471--84. [full text]
Landow, George P. "William Holman Hunt on Poetry." The Pre-Raphaelite Review 2 (1979), 38-48 [full text]
Landow, George P. "William Holman Hunt's Letters to Thomas Seddon." Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, 66 (1983), 139--72.
Landow, George P. "William Holman Hunt's 'Oriental Mania' and His Uffizzi Self-Portrait." Art Bulletin 64 (1982), 646--55. [full text]
Landow, George P. "William Holman Hunt's 'The Shadow of Death.'" Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 55 (1972): 197--239.
3.27 "William Holman Hunt and the Missionaries." The Pre-Raphaelite Review, 1 (1977), 27--33. [full text]
Landow, George P. William Holman Hunt and Typological Symbolism. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1979. [full text]
Landow, George P. "Your Good Influence On Me" The Correspondence of John Ruskin and William Holman Hunt. Full text. Manchester, England: Rylands Library, 1977. This monograph first appeared as a two-part article in The Bulletin of the John Rylands Library of Manchester, 59 95--126; 367--96, and was later reprinted as a 62-page pamphlet.
Maas, Jeremy. Holman Hunt "The Light of the World". New Haven and London and Berkeley: Scholar Press, 1984.
Staley, Alan. The Pre-Raphaelite Landscape. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1972.
The Pre-Raphaelites. London: Tate Gallery/Allan Lane, 1984.
Sussman, Herbert L. Fact into Figure: Typology in Carlyle, Ruskin, and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio University State Press, 1979.
Wilcox, Scott, and Christopher Newall. Victorian Landscape Watercolors. New York: Hudson Press in association with the Yale Center for British art, 1992.
Wood, Christopher. The Pre-Raphaelites. New York: Viking/Studio, 1981.
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Last modified 12 June 2007