Page 592: "RECOGNITION," or "NO." J. BULL to Napoleon III. "Can you recognize that thing they call the C. S. A. [Confederate States of America]?" NAP. "Well, I think I could, if 'twere not for that Big Fellow who stands in front." The "Big Fellow," a mature rather than aged "Uncle Sam" figure holding an American flag represents the Union or the American Constitution. [14 September 1861.]
Page 704: Mr. Bull in his Big Ship "NEUTRALITY" Floundering about in the Sea of Commercial Distress. (Manchester and Lancashire were centres of the British cotton industry) [2 November 1861].
Other Plates from 1861

Page 31: advertisement for W. M. Thackeray's new story The Adventures of Philip, to begin serialisation in the magazine in February, 1861. [12 January 1861].
Page 529, top: The Princess Clotilde, Wife of Prince Napoleon, Now in This Country. The French royal couple had been presented at the White House on the 3rd of August, having landed at New York. Much of the accompanying text dwelt upon the history and qualities of Napoleon's eighteen-year-old wife, Clotilde Maria Teresa of Saxony, born 2 March 1843.[24 August 1861]
Page 529, bottom: Presentation of Prince Napoleon by Secretary Seward to the President. [24 August 1861].
Last modified 13 August 2005