New Iron Railway Viaduct at Manchester. Text and scan by Philip V. Allingham.
The early part of the illustrated article on Britain's new technology mentions that a cast-iron bridge of the type built for the railways at Manchester has just been opened across the Neva River at St. Petersburg, Russia, suggesting that the new method of casting iron has already spread right across Europe.
This stupendous Viaduct has been erected for the joint station, at Manchester, of the London and North-Western and the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire Companies; and carries the railway traffic over the good-station of those Companies, with which it communicates by hoists. It consists of an immense platform, 700 feet long, 35 feet wide, with three lines of rails, and twenty-one turn-tables; is constructed almost entirely of iron, supported by large cast-iron girders resting on Doric columns. [p. 20]
"New Iron Railway Viaduct at Manchester." The Illustrated London News. (11 January 1851): 20.
Last modified 14 September 2007