The New Year's Gift. Punch, (2 January 1858): 5.
Pam (To Sir Colin.). "Well — Upon my word — Eh! — I'm really extremely obliged to you — But — Eh! — How about keeping the brute?"
The unruly tiger represents India (a map of which appears on the hall) only recently pacified after the Sepoy Muntiny of 1857; Pam is the Prime Minister, Lord Palmerston; and Sir Colin is Sir Colin Campbell, the British general appointed to quell the Indian uprising. For another Punch cartoon featuring these two, see Every Inch A Soldier.
More Punch commentary on the 1857 Indian Mutiny (Sepoy Rebellion)
- The Asiatic Mystery
- Full Marching Order
- The British Lion's Vengeance on the Bengal Tiger
- Justice
- The Red-Tape Serpent — Sir Collin's Greatest Difficulty in India
- The Clemency of Canning
- Mr. Bull's Expensive Toys
- Too "Civil" By Half
Related Materials
- The 1857 Indian Mutiny (also known as the Sepoy Rebellion, the Great Mutiny, and the Revolt of 1857)
- The Epic of Race: The Indian Mutiny, 1857
- Punch's editors tell the story of the 1857 Indian Mutiny
Last modified 26 May 2004