As the train stops . . . by “JL” [John Leech]. Punch (1856). The long caption explains: “As the Train stops, Mr. P. (a most estimable Man and Husband) endevours to get some Stout for his Wife, who, from Circumstancs, is obliged to drink that Refreshing Beverage four or five times a-day. Mr. P. cannot find his Carriage, and, as the Train is rather behind Time, the Officials are in some hurry and confusion. (It will be observed that the Beer is much ‘Up’ and that this amiable genleman is much perplexed.) ” Mrs. P.'s “Circumstance” is probably that she is nursing a baby, since nursing mothers are still advised to drink Guinness on bth sides of thr Atlantic. The signs on the station wall include those for an excursion train, Mount Blanc, and, at the book stall, Punch (of course) and Dickens's Little Dorrit.
Image from Internet Archive. Text and formatting by George P. Landow [This image may be used without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose without prior permission as long as you credit this site and the Internet Archive.]
Last modified 10 February 2011