Too Bad!. Punch (4 May 1867): 151[?] Click on image to enlarge it.
Country Railway Porter (to Swell, who is waiting for the Express: — “Now, then, look alive for the ’Scursion! — Second or Third, my Man!” — Punch enforcing class division and the class divide: The Swell, a lower-middle class man wanting to be taken for one of the wealthier classes, is put in his place by the railway worker who assumes he can't afford the express and is waiting for one of the excursion trains favored by poorer members of society. And he insults the Swell even more by assuming that he cannot afford a ticket for a first class compartment.
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Image from Internet Archive. Text and formatting by George P. Landow [This image may be used without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose without prior permission as long as you credit this site, the Internet Archive, and the University of Toronto library.]
Last modified 10 October 2019