From a drawing by James Brierley in the possession of the Athenaeum
UNFORTUNATELY there has never yet been published a good engraving of this important building, nor have the publishers been able to discover an interesting drawing. The one here reproduced is the best old one obtainable. Its date is 1830.
The Athenaeum, ever since it was opened in 1799, has been a centre of literary activity in Liverpool, and the best traditions of William Roscoe, Dr. Currie, and other literary men are still maintained there. The library is a valuable one, and contains the interesting Roscoe Collection. It is specially strong in local books and maps, possessing the only complete set of Liverpool Directories known, and there is a small but interesting collection of old prints relating to Liverpool, some of which have, by the kind permission of the Committee, been reproduced in this work.

Links to Related Material
Muir, Ramsay, et al. Bygone Liverpool. Liverpool: Young, 1913. Internet Archive online version of a copy in the University of Toronto Library. Web. 29 September 2022.
Last modified 28 September 2022