Darwin as author
- Theme and subject in The Voyage Of The Beagle
- Darwin's Imagery: The Tree and the Tree of Life
- How did the stones get there? A Darwinian Act of Interpretation
- Chapter II of Charles Darwin's autobiography (text)
Darwin and Victorian literature: source, influence, confluence, opinions
- ‘No such thing as a flower ...no such thing as a man’: John Ruskin’s response to Darwin
- Darwin on Thomas Carlyle
- Tennyson and Evolution (I)
- Tennyson and Evolution (2): Was he a proto-Darwinian or a proto-Gouldian?
- “The hills are shadows, and they flow from form to form, and nothing stands” — Tennyson, Ruskin, and Darwin as sages
- Charles Kingsley's The Water-Babies and the Origins Debate
- Meredith's Evan Harrington, The Adventures of Harry Richmond, and the Evolutionary Debate of the 1860s
- Samuel Butler and George Bernard Shaw
- Darwin on “the accuracy and fulness of Macaulay's memory”
- [Review of] George Levine's Darwin the Writer
- [Review of] Renée Bergland's Natural Magic: Emily Dickinson, Charles Darwin, and the Dawn of Modern Science
- Darwin and narrative realism
- Darwin's Use of Probability and Analogy
- Darwin, Kingsley, and Doyle's The Lost World in the context of imperialism and South Anerican history
- [Review of] John Holmes's Darwin's Bards: British and American Poetry in the Age of Evolution
Responses to Darwin's evolutionary theories
- Fleeming Jenkin. Review of Darwin's The origin of species in The North British Review, June 1867, 46, pp. 277-318.
- Samuel Wilberforce, (Review of) On the origin of species, Quarterly Review, 1860, pp. 225-264.
- Campbell. The reign of law . 1860.
- [T.H. Huxley.] 'The origin of Species', Westminster Review 17, 1860, pp. 541-70.
- Thomas Cooper. The Stone Book: The Mosaic Record of Creation. 1878.
- Owen, Richard. Review of Darwin's Origin of Species, Edinburgh Review, 3, 1860, pp. 487-532.
- Tyndall. Address Delivered Before the British Association Assembled at Belfast. 1874.
- Darwin and the Removal of Design
- The Huxley File (at Clarke U)
- Darwin's On the Origin of Species reviewed in All the Year Round
- The Polyglot Darwin: a Review of Marwa Elshakry's Reading Darwin in Arabic, 1860-1950. (2013)
- Cannon Schmitt's Darwin and the Memory of the Human: Evolution, Savages, and South America 2009) — reviewed by George Levine].
- Antoine Capet's review of the Darwin Exhibition at the Natural History Museum, London, 14 November 2008-19 April 2009
Last modified 11 October 2024