John Hancock, a Londoner who studied briefly at the Royal Academy when he was 17, was associated with members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, helping with the periodical that became The Germ and also serving as "local commissioner" to the Great Exhibition. His uncle and guardian, Thomas Hancock, invented the "process of vulcanisation of rubber" — "John Hancock"

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James, Thomas Beaumont. "John Hancock: Pre-Raphaelite Sculptor?" In Benedict Read and Joanna Barnes Eds. Pre-Raphaelite Sculpture: Nature and Imagination in British Sculpture, 1848-1914. London: Lund Humphries, 1991. 71-76.
"John Hancock." Mapping the Practice and Profession of Sculpture in Britain & Ireland 1851-1951. University of Glasgow History of Art and HATAI, online database 2011 [], accessed 23 March 2024
Read, Benedict. "Was there Pre-Raphaelite Sculpture?" In Leslie Parris, ed. Pre-Raphaelite Papers. London: Tate Gallery Publications, 1984. 97-110.
Ward-Jackson, Philip. Public Sculpture of the City of London. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2003.
Wilkes, Robert. "The case of John Hancock, a neglected Pre-Raphaelite sculptor. In "Pre-Raphaelite Reflections," a blog devoted to the PRB.
Created 26 April 2021
Last modified 26 April 2024