Florence Nightingale Memorial
W. Sargant
Carrera marble
Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence
The monument stands in the cloister (1442-46) designed by Filippo Brunelleschi.
"The English community in Florence have set up a symbolical memorial -- designed by Mr. W. Sargant -- in the Cloisters of Santa Croce. In this country there are to be several memorials. The Army Nurses have put up a memorial window in the chapel of the Military Hospital at Millbank. In Derby a statue (by Countess Feodora Gleichen) is to be set up; any balance that there may be from the Memorial Fund is to be given to District Nursing in the country. A "National Memorial Fund" is to be devoted, in the first instance, to a statue (by Mr. Arthur G. Walker) in some public place in London and, then, to the Nurses' Pension Fund." [Florence Nightingale: The Grave at East Wellow (UK site)]. Walker's bronze statue of Nightingale is part of the Crimean War Memorial located at the junction of Lower Regent Street and Pall Mall, London.
Photograph by Philip V. Allingham, May 2005