Thomas Thornycroft (1815-1885)

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Photograph: "Albumen print by Ernest Edwards, 87 x 67 mm, published in Portraits of Men of Eminence (1864), by A. W. Bennett, Vol. 2. See Maas.
Born in Cheshire. Entered studio of John Francis, a portrait sculptor, whose daughter Mary he married. Visited Italy spending several months in Rome. First exhibited at R.A., 1836. Deep interest in mechanical projects, especially technical side of casting.Chief works include: equestrian statue of Queen Victoria shown at Great Exhibition of 1851; Charles I in Westminster Hall; corner group "Commerce", part of Albert Memorial. Often assisted by his son Hamo. [British Sculpture 1850-1914, p. 32.]
British Sculpture 1850-1914. A loan exhibition of sculpture and medals sponsored by The Victorian Society. London: Fine Art Society, 1968.
Mass, Jeremy. The Victorian Art World in Photographs. London: Barrie & Jenkins, 1984. P. 212.

Last modified 17 July 2001