Portrait of a Lady by William Reynolds-Stephens (1862-1943) 1926. Bronze, electroplating, shell, stone, and glass paste. Exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1927. Collection: Amgueddfa Cymru Caerdydd [National Museum of Wales, Cardiff] Accession number: NMW A 2988. [Click on images to enlarge them.]

As the gallery label points out, “the sitter is depicted in evening dress, holding a fan.”

Left: This view clearly shows some of the red and blue glass paste the sculptor employed. Right: Reynolds-Stephens embellished the base with glass paste and shell — typical of the multimedia New Sculpture.

Photographs by Robert Freidus. Formatting and perspective correction by George P. Landow. Reproduced courtesy of the National Museum, which retains copyright. Readers of the Victorian Web may wish to visit the Museum website.]
Beattie, Susan. The New Sculpture. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983.
West, W.K. “Recent Works by Mr./ W. Reynolds-Stephens.” The Studio“. 29 (June 1903), 292-302. Internet Archive Copy from the Robarts Library, University of Toronto. Web. 8 February 2012.
Last modified 4 April 2012