Charity by Edward William Wyon (1811-85). Draper’s Hall courtyard. 1869. A woman nursing an infant is an ancient symbol of charity. If that oddly carved bird is indeed a seagull, then it would be another symbol of generous sacrifice. [Click on image to enlarge it.]
Keystones and tympana in the Draper’s Hall courtyard — Arts and Sciences
- Geography
- Mathematics
- Geography
- Chemistry or Medicine
- Writing
- Astronomy
- Technological Progress: Navigation, Medicine, Textiles, and Printing
- Botany
- Music
Keystones and tympana in the Draper’s Hall courtyard — Continents
Keystones and tympana in the Draper’s Hall courtyard — Faith. Hope, and Charity
Keystones and tympana in the Draper’s Hall courtyard — Miscellaneous
Photograph by Robert Freidus. Formatting, perspective correction, and caption by George P. Landow. These images are included with the kind permission of the Draper’s Hall.]
Last modified 22 October 2017