Twin Screw, Steel, Barbette Battleship Glory. Launched at Birkenhead, 1899. This is included here as an example of the kind of sophisticated armoured warship being produced at the end of the Victorian period. Technical description given as caption material by William Clowes:
Length, 390 ft.; beam, 74 ft.; mean draught, 26 ft.; displ., 12,950 tons; I.H.P., 13,500; speed, 18-25 kts. Two sets of vertical triple-ex ion engines by Lairds. Belleville boilers. Armour: partial Harveyed nickel steel be n.; bulkheads, 12 in.; barbettes, 12 to 6 in.; casemates, 5 in. Armament: 4 12-in. 46-ton B.; 12 6-in. Q.; 10 12-pr. Q.; 2 12-pr. field; 6 3-pr. Q.; 8 45-in Maxims; howitzers; torpedo-tubes, 4. Complement, 750. [facing p. 34]
Link to Related Material
Photograph (clearer that the one shown in Clowes) from the Library of Congress Digital Collection (http://loc.gov/pictures/resource/ggbain.17135/), with no known copyright restrictions. Formatting and text by Jacqueline Banerjee. [Click on the image to enlarge it.]
Clowes, William L. The Royal Navy: A History, from the Earliest Times to the Death of Queen Victoria. Vol. VII.. 7 Vols. London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1897. Internet Archive, from a copy in the Wellcome Library. Web. 1 January 2024.
Created 1 January 2023