Articles in the Illustrated London News
- “Terrible Collision on the Thames: Great Loss of Life” (First article, in 7 September ILN)
- “The Great Disaster on the Thames: Collision between the “Princess Alice” and the “Bywell Castle,” near Woolwich” (major article)
- “The Great Disaster on the Thames: Collision between the Princess Alice and the Bywell Castle, near Woolwich.” (major article)
- Operations at the Scene of the Disaster
- Crowd Outside the London Steam-Boat Company’s Office at Woolwich (illustration)
- The Saloon Steam-Boat Princess Alice (illustration)
- The Bywell Castle, Screw-Steam Collier, as she lay at Deptford after the Collision (illustration)
- Captain Grinstead, Commander of the “Princess Alice” (portrait)
- Results of the The Board of Trade inquiry and the Coroner’s Jury
Selected Material from the Times and Other Newspapers
- Describing the Dead (Times)
- Abraham Dennis, captain of the Ronetta, on the causes of the wreck (Times)
- “A sufficiently horrible side of the calamity is seen”
- Screw Colliers on the Thames (The Pall Mall Budget)
Articles and Cartoons in the Punch
Articles and Cartoons in the Fun
Bibliography of articles in Illustrated London News
All these articles, where are here arranged in chronological order, were read in the Hathi Trust Digital Library online version of a copy in the Princeton University of Library.
“Terrible Collision on the Thames: Great Loss of Life.” 73 (7 September 1878): 227.
“The Great Disaster on the Thames.” 73 (11 September 1878): 244-45. (6 illustrations).
“The Disaster on the River.” The Illustrated London News (11 September 1878): 282.
“The Great Disaster on the Thames: Collision between the Princess Alice and the Bywell Castle, near Woolwich.” 73 (14 September 1878): 256-59.
“The Great Disaster on the River.” 73 (September 1878): 282-83.
“The Loss of the Princess Alice.” 73 (28 September 1878): 299.
“The Loss of the Princess Alice.” 73 (16 November 1878): 462. [Results of Coroner's and Board of Trade's investigations.]
Bibliography of Secondary Material
Thurston, Gavin. The Great Thames Disaster. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1965. [unseen].
Last modified 11 August 2018