Trinity Hall, Cambridge. c. 1870. Albumen photograph, approximately 6 x 8 inches. The original image has been cropped slightly. [Click on photograph to enlarge it.] This is one of 58 photographs of Cambridge University taken for a William Winfield c. 1870 and assembled in an album now in the possession of New Boston Fine and Rare Books, which Kimberly Blaker, President of the firm, has kindly shared with readers of the Victorian Web.
A Victorian History and Description of the College (1870)
Trinity Hall.— This was founded, in 1350, by Bateman, bishop of Norwich. It stands near Clare College, on ground preriously occupied by a hostel for the monks of Ely; and comprises two courts, one of which is modern. Its library is rich in law-works; and its chapel contains three brasses, and a painting of the Pesentation by Stella. A range of students' residences, in strictlv collegiate style, but of earlier character than the rest of the college buildings, with a plain oriel over the entrance doorway, and an octagonal oriel turret at the angle, crowned with a short spire, was built in 1861, at a cost of about £10,000, and replaced previous buildimgs burnt down in 1851.
Trinity Hall has 13 fellowships, 19 scholarships, 8 livings, and an income of £3.917. Eminent men educated at it were Bisliops Gardiner and Horsley, the martyr Bilney, Corbet, Tusser, Dr. Andrews, Sir R. Naunton, Lord Chesterfield. Earl Fitzwilliam. Sir Bulwer Lytton, and Lord -Chief- Justice Cockburn. — John M. Wilson

Related Material — other pictures ofTrinity Hall, Cambridge
Bound album of 58 original albumen photographs of Cambridge University. Oblong 4to, full gilt-stamped black morocco leather, bound cover has scuffing and is worn heavily at hinges. Four raised bands and gilt stamped borders. Detailed gilt stamped decor on interior cover edges. Blue silk endpapers in very good condition. E. G. Bookplate of Clifton Waller Barrett tipped in front end sheet. New Boston Fine and Rare Books.
Wilson, John M. (John Marius). The imperial gazetteer of England and Wales: embracing recent changes in counties, dioceses, parishes, and boroughs: general statistics: postal arrangements: railway systems, &c.; and forming a complete description of the country. 8 vols. Edinburgh: A. Fullarton, 1870.Internet Archive online version of a copy in the Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center. Web. 27 October 2022.
Created 26 January 2012
Last modified 28 October 2022