At Edinburgh for my first time! A wonderful place witn all that a town should have, in compactness and completeness unmatched — a perfect ideal of a city! Romantic site of hill and vale — fine buildings and monuments mediaeval and modern; palace and castle; antiquated gloomy wynds and closes and lofty houses towering up like cliffs, dotted with windows like loopholes; all teeming with associations, historical, poetical, scientific — national and individual — heroic, tragic, comic, quaint, terrible or humorous; all in their appropriate places. — Alfred Domett
Victorian and Edwardian Buildings

- A late-Victorian reaction to Edinburgh, its Buildings, and Monuments
- The Bank of Scotland
- British Linen Bank
- Buildings overlooking Princes Street Gardens
- Buccleuch and Geyfriars Free Church of Scotland
- The Edinburgh College of Art — Edwardian Classicism in Scotland
- Semi-detached homes with bay windows, Blacket Place
- House with mansard roof and eccentric stonework, Blacket Place
- The Hub, formerly The Assembly Hall and Talbooth Church, Castlehill
- Jenners Department Store, Edinburgh (1893)
- National Gallery of Scotland
- The New Club
- The North British Hotel (now the Balmoral), Edinburgh (1895)
- The Royal Scottish Academy
- The Royal Scottish Museum
- The Scottish Conservative Club
- The View from Edinburgh Castle
- Lauriston Place Fire Station
- Salisbury Green (10 views)
- Fettes College
Pre-Victorian Architecture in Edinburgh
- Edinburgh Castle
- Hollyrood Castle
- Regency Homes in the Classical Style (9 views)
- St. George's Close: A Fifteenth-century Courtyard
- St Giles' Cathedral
- The Cathedral of St. Mary (Victorian engraving)
Monuments and Sculpture

- Monuments on Calton hill
- Scott Monument (3 views)
- The Mercat Cross
- The Duke of Buccleuch
- War Memorial
- Alexander the Great, training his horse Bucephalus
- Allan Ramsay
- Sir John Hope, fourth Earl of Hopetoun
- Black Watch War Memorial
- Wellington Equestrian Monument
Related Material
Last modified 11 September 2016