[This list is based upon both the index in volume 39 of the Cook and Wedderburn Library Edition and searches on the electronic texts of Ruskin’s works as they beconme available. Following the Library Edition index, this list divides into three main categories: (1) Ruskin in Rouen, and general references — (2) the Cathedral — (3) other buildings]
Ruskin in Rouen

- Ruskin in Rouen, (1835) 2, 399-400, 430, 35, 156
- drawings at, 2, 400, 430 (Plates 18, 20), (1840) 1, 42, 9
- hunting down Turner’s views, 35, 626, (1842) 3, xxiii.
- (1844) 12, 43??, (1848) 8, xxix
n ., xxx., xxxi.-ii. - distress at, 8, xxxiii., (1866) 18, xxxvi., (1880) 33, xxiv
n ., 34, 469, 471 - architecture of, illustrated in Seven Lamps, 8, 6
- Ruskin’s early pleasure in the style, 22, 189
- charm of, to Ruskin, in contrast with home surroundings, 35, 133
- description of, in old days, 12, 310-1
- intended book on, “Domrémy,” 33, 186, 35, 158
- meeting of Bishop Hugo and Coeur de Lion at, 33, 518
- modern “improvements” and destruction at, 4, 37, 12, 427, 8, 23, 23, 37,183
- one of Ruskin’s three “thought-centres,” 35, 156,15 8, 371
- Prout on Ruskin’s fondness for, 35, 631
- Prout’s records of, 12, 314, 315
- slums in, 29, 392, 470
- street architecture, 12, 36, 427
- compared with modern London, 9, 403, 11, 4
- various references, 1, 13, 27, 244, 35, 623
- various drawings by Ruskin, 38, 278.

- bases and spurs, 9, 340 (Plate 11, Figure 15)
- capitals and bases, 9, 14, 9, 336 (Plate 10, fig. 28) [photographs on this site: capitals; bases]
- cast-iron central spire, 8, 67, 107 [photographs on this site: detail]
- casts of sculptures from, 36, 168-9, (Architectural Museum) 12, lxxi., (Sheffield) 30, lvi., 189
- characteristic of Northern architecture, contrasted with S., 9, 188
- choir-windows, proportion in mouldings, 8, 166
- dexterity in filling of sections, 8, 45, 6 (Plate 4, figs. 6, 7) dogtooth, treatment of, 9, 322
- façade: — central door, photograph of, 19, 266 (Plate 13), 277
- exquisite example of flamboyant, 8, 52, 19, 277
- a niche on, 8, 52, 123 (Plate 1, Figure i)
- wealth of ornament, 8, 52-53 disposition of ornament [photographs on this site: over interior doorways]
- an example of resolute industry, 19, 153-54
- gable, 10, 250 (Figure 10c)
- how to be represented in painting, 6, 318
- “kingly crowning,” 8, 136
- model of grandeur, 34, 415
- new blocks of uncarved stone inserted, 12, 310
- North door, drawing of (Randal), 30, 218
- photo, by Burgess, 30, 189 (Plate 9)
- leafage on pilasters, 9, 299
n . - lizard on the base, 9, 344
- overpowering impression made by, 5, xxvi.
- ideas of power conveyed by, 3, 94
- pediment, etc., delicate work, 19, 390
n - but degenerate flamboyant, 8, 49, 52
- proportion in, 8, 165
- supervening designs in, 8, 165
- flamboyant traceries once common to every house 10, 120
- linear Gothic, example from round a window, 10, 262 (Plate 12, Figure. 1) figs, 8, 132, 133 (Plate . i, fig. 2)
- one of the great French cathedrals, 6, 436, 34, 503 painted
- glass windows, 12, 4, 35, 436, 441, 15, 496
- lives of the Saints on, 16, 327
- piercings in nave chapel and transept towers, 8, 88 (Plate 3, Figures 2, 5) [photographs on this site: transept]
- plan of piers, 9, 133 (Plate 2, Figure 15)
- Pediment of the west front, 48
- recent traceries, 23, 95
- "restoration" of, 12, 3, 10, 422, 425-6
- Ruskin ’s photographs of, taken by A.Burgess, 14, 355
- spitting in, 25, 127
- towers
- of West front, 23, 215
- the one at North-West angle, 12, 43 (Fig. 12)
- the one at South-West, "Tour de Beurre," 8, 50
n ., 107; 12, 45n - disposition of ornament on, 8, 50
- projection of niches in old storey, 8, 108
- of transepts, ornaments, 8, 129 (Plate 7, Figure 5)
- withheld on invisible side, 8, 47
- traceries, 8, 88, 91
n ., 131, 165 - transepts
- proper style for modern Gothic, 8, 12, 278
- richly decorated form of gable overarch, 12, 35
- richness diminishing upwards, 8, 49, 12, 92
- sculpture of, 16, 283
n ., 36, 168-69 - North transept door: — beauty of, standard of decoration, 8, 259, 12, 425, 34, 503
- one of the two most beautiful pieces of Gothic in the world, 19, 262
- bas-reliefs, 8, 49, 216 (Plate 14), 217 and., 9, 4, 33, 21, 178, 30, 21, 8, buttress, panel decoration, noble
- tracery, 8, 89-91, 165
- proportion and symmetry in mouldings, 8, 90, 165-6 (Plate 10, Figures 2-4), 172
- South transept, drawings, etc., of, 21, 29, 25, 9,86, 371 (Plate 25)
- Gothic on the edge of decline, 19, 257, 275
- sculpture described, 20, 321-2
- statue of Madonna, 16, 324
- view of, at different distances, 9, 302
- various references, 8,69n., 23, 89, 238, 340.
- See also Catalogues of Drawings, 21, 41, 17, 8, 259
n ., 30, 218, 38, 278

Other buildings

- Church of St. Nicholas, destroyed in 1840, 4, 37-8, 12, 310
- Hotel de Hourgtheroulde, 21,80
- described, 21,192
- window, 12, 74-5 (Plate 10), 77
n . - Marché aux Fleurs, view of Cathedral from, 9, 302
- N. Dame de Bonsecours, modern Gothic church, 8, 218
- Old Houses at
- debased flamboyant, 8, 65
n . - fantastic gables, 12, 311
- W. Ward’s photograph and studies of, 37, 707
- Palais de Justice
- before restoration, 12, 311
- well restored, 8, 243
- Place de la Pucelle, Gothic turret at angle of, 12, 311
- St.Maclou
- sculpture of Last Judgment on porch, 9, 275, 10, 233
- niche of portal
- treatment of sculpture, 8, 211-12
- windows blocked by altars, 8, 41-42
n . - St. Ouen, 2, 399
- inferior to Cathedral, 16, 283
n . - faults and merits of, 8, 65
n . - lantern, 8, 64
- sacristan’s remembrance of Ruskin, 8, xxxii
n . - St. Patrice, painted glass windows, 8, 42
n ., 12, 440, 444 - St. Vincent, painted glass window, 8, 42
n ., 12, 440
Last modified 23 June 2010