Smithfield Meat Market designed by Sir Horace Jones. 1866. Photograph c. 1895. Charles Dickens's Great Expectations, which appeared serially in 1860 and 1861, describes the market this one replaced: "I came into Smithfield, and the shameful place, being all asmear with filth and fat and blood and foam, seemed to stick to me. So I rubbed it off with all possible speed by turning into a street where I saw the great black dome of St. Paul's bulging at me from behind a grim stone building which a bystander said was Newgate Prison" [GPL].
Related Material and Recent Photographs
- The contemporary history of Smithfield Market and Great Expectations
- Exterior
- Interior, Central Arcade
- Tower
- Ceiling of Central Arcade
- Clock
- Spandrels
- Portico
Betjeman, John. Victorian and Edwardian London from Old Photographs. London: B. T. Batsford, 1969. Plate 164.
Last modified 3 January 2006