My father was not only a mine of knowledge and help, but a humorous, tolerant, and expert fellow-craftsman. — Rudyard Kipling, Something of Myself, 40.
His reports from the field on Indian handicraft practice were an important source for British craftsmen and designers in the late nineteenth century. Most remarkably, he opposed the tide of Victorian imperialism and its concomitant attitudes of cultural superiority through his practical efforts on hehalf of Indian art. In his writings and even more in his work in the official art schools in India, he dignified and preserved the bases of native handicrafts against the often debilitating effects of misguided and wholly commercially oriented government policies. — Mahrukh Tarapor 54-56.
... more recently, scholars have taken a more critical view, exploring his advocacy of traditional arts as being not in opposition to but rather in support of colonial power hierarchies. — Abigail McGowan 489.
... his impact, though perhaps more modest than he might have wished at the time, has nonetheless left a longer-term impression on the Indian cultural landscape than he would have imagined possible. — Deborah Swallow xvii.

Arts and Crafts, and Exhibition Work
Sculptural Work

Drawings and Illustrations
Arbuthnot, Catherine. "Designs for the Imperial Assemblage." In Bryant and Weber. 151-167.
Bryant, Julius. "The Careers and Character of 'J. L. K.'" In Bryant and Weber. 37-59.
_____. "Kipling, John Lockwood (1837–1911)." Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Online ed. Web. January 19, 2017.
_____. "Kipling as a Designer." In Bryant and Weber. 123-149.
_____. "Kipling as a Sculptor." In Bryant and Weber. 81-105.
Bryant, Julius, and Susan Weber, eds. John Lockwood Kipling: Arts and Crafts in the Punjab and London. New York: Bard Graduate Centre Gallery; New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2017. [Review]
James, Elizabeth. "Kipling and Book Illustration. In Bryant and Weber. 361-399.
Kemp, Sandra. "My Bread and Butter: Kipling's Journalism." In Bryant and Weber. 301-27.
Kipling, John Lockwood. Beast and Man in India: a popular sketch of Indian animals in their relations with the people. London: Macmillan, 1891. Internet Archive. Contributed by the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh. Web. 19 January 2017.
Kipling, Rudyard. Something of Myself: For My Friends Known and Unknown. London: Macmillan, 1937.
McGowan, Abigail. "John Lockwood Kipling's Influence." In Bryant and Webster. 489-511.
Swallow, Deborah. Preface. In Bryant and Weber. xiii-xvii.
Tarapor, Mahrukh. "John Lockwood Kipling and British Art Education in India." Victorian Studies 24/1 (1980): 53-81 (consulted here on JSTOR).
Weber, Susan. "Kipling and the Exhibitions Movement." In Bryant and Weber. 205-79.
Created 19 January 2017.