Rose Tree
Designer: Alexander Fisher, 1864-1936 (attributed)
Manufacturer: Royal School of Needlework
Designed 1904
Cream silk damask embroidered with crewel wools and silks, mainly in long and short stitches
312.5 x 137.5 cm (125 x 55 inches)
Fisher trained as a painter but became interested in enamelling and went to study its technique in Paris. Returning to England in 1887 he set up a studio making jewellery and objects decorated with figures in a late Pre-Raphaelite style. He published and lectured or enamelling and was responsible for the revival of the 'Limoges' technique. He taught for a while at the Central School of Arts & Crafts but in 1904, set up his own school in Kensington. His work was often published in the Studio Magazine and the Art Journal and shown at many international exhibitions, at the Royai Academy and the Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society. His embroidery designs were executed by his wife and by The Royal School of Art Needlework.
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