Illustrations for the 1874 Cornhill Magazine edition of Thomas Hardy's Far From The Madding Crowd
- introductory essay
- Plate 1: Hands Were Loosening His Neckerchief and initial letter vignette "W" (Bathsheba carrying a milk pail)
- Plate 2: "Do You Happen To Want a Shepherd, Ma'am?" and initial letter vignette "T" (Liddy, sitting; Bathsheba, standing)
- Plate 3: "Get The Door Key." Liddy Fetched It. and initial letter vignette "B" (Fanny Robin near the military barracks)
- Plate 4: "I Feel — Front — Almost — Too Much — To Think," he said." and initial letter vignette "T" (The old maltster, breakfasting)
- Plate 5: She Stood Up in the Window-Opening, Facing the Men. and initial letter vignette "G" (Gabriel shearing a sheep)
- Plate 6: She Took Up Her Position As Directed. and initial letter vignette "I" (a woman-servant haymaking)
- Plate 7: Bathsheba flung her hands to her face. and initial letter vignette "H" (Jan Coggan and Gabriel Oak tracking the "stolen" mare Dainty)
- Plate 8: "There's Not a Soul in My House But Me To-night." and initial letter vignette "T" (Gabriel leaning over Coggan's garden-gate)
- Plate 9: She Opened a Gate Within Which Was a Haystack, Under This She Sat Down. and initial letter vignette "O" (Fanny Robin in front of the Casterbridge Union)
- Plate 10: Her Tears Fell Fast Beside the Unconscious Pair. and initial letter vignette "D" (Frank Troy at Fanny Robin's grave in the churchyard)
- Plate 11: At that time he [Dr. Barker of Budmouth] saw a bather carried along in the current. . . " and initial letter vignette "B" (Bathsheba in a room at The Three Choughs, Casterbridge)
- Plate 12: Troy Next Advanced into the Middle of the Room, Took off His Cap —" and initial letter vignette "C" (Gabriel and Bathsheba going to their wedding in the rain through the churchyard)
- The composition of the full-page plates by number of figures
- Descriptions of twelve initial-letter vignettes (9 exteriors)
- The characters depicted in the plates and vignettes by frequency
- The orientation and size of the various monthly full-page illustrations.
- Pencil Portrait of Tennyson, 1880
- The Bird

Hardy, Thomas. Far From the Madding Crowd. With illustrations by Helen Paterson Allingham. The Cornhill Magazine. Vols. XXIX and XXX. Ed. Leslie Stephen. London: Smith, Elder, January through December, 1874.
Created 22 August 2005 Last modified 22 October 2022